Mary Frandsen

Professor Emerita of Music

Disciplines: Musicology

Professional Biography

Mary E. Frandsen is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Notre Dame whose research focuses on Lutheran musical, devotional, and liturgical traditions in the early modern era. She has published a monograph on Italian music at the 17th-century Dresden court, and is currently finishing a monograph on music and devotion in 17th-century Lutheranism. She has published articles and studies in Early Music History, Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie, Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music (Instrumenta series), Musica Disciplina, The Organ Yearbook, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, and the Schütz-Jahrbuch; published in collections of essays, and in scholarly dictionaries and encyclopedias; and has delivered papers at national and international conferences. She has received fellowships from the ACLS and NEH, and a book subvention from the American Musicological Society. Her edition of the earliest known concertos with aria, composed by Vincenzo Albrici (1631-90) and Giuseppe Peranda (1626-75), was published in 2014. She is a member of various professional societies, and serves on the Executive Board of Frühe Neuzeit Interdisziplinär; she has also served as chair of the American Heinrich Schütz Society, on the governing board of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, and on the AMS Council. She also serves as a co-editor of a new critical edition of the works of Sebastian Knüpfer (American Institute of Musicology).

Representative Publications, Performances, and Creative Work