David Fagerberg

Professor Emeritus of Theology, Liturgical Studies

Disciplines: Theology


Ph.D. Yale University 

Professional Biography

Fagerberg holds a B.A. from Augsburg College (1972), M.Div. from Luther Northwestern Seminary (1977), M.A. from St. John’s University, Collegeville (1982), S.T.M. from Yale Divinity School (1983), and M.A., M.Phil., and PhD. from Yale University (1991). He taught in the Religion Department of Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, from 1988-2001; the Liturgical Institute at Mundelein Seminary 2002-03; he has been at Notre Dame since 2003. His area of study is liturgical theology – its definition and methodology – and how the Church’s lex orandi (law of prayer) is the foundation for her lex credendi (law of belief). He also has interests in sacramental theology, Eastern Orthodoxy, linguistic philosophy, scholasticism, G. K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis.

Representative Publications, Performances, and Creative Work

Liturgy outside Liturgy: the Liturgical Theology of Fr. Alexander Schmemann. Chorabooks, 2018.

“The Church As Pastoral Icon of the Mercy of the Good Shepherd,” Nova et Vetera, Vol. 16. No. 1 (2018).

“On Liturgical Morality,” in Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality (Vol. 23, Issue 2, August 2017, 119-136).

“Liturgical Theology: The State of the Question,” chapter in Handbook on Liturgy, T&T Clark Publishers, ed. Alcuin Reid. T&T Clark Publishers, ed. Alcuin Reid. T&T Clark, January 2015.

“Doing the World Liturgically: Stewardship of Creation and Care of the Poor,” chapter in The Liturgical Renewal in Contemporary Perspective, ed. Uwe Michael Lang (Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017).