Notre Dame Vocale Invited to be Part of Prestigious Commissioning Consortium

Author: Matt Haines

The Ann Stookey Fund for New Music has invited Professor Carmen Helena Téllez and Notre Dame Vocale to join a consortium of some of the most important professional choirs in the country, to co-commission a new work of choral music from composer Greg Spears. In 2015, the Ann Stookey Fund awarded Notre Dame Vocale a grant to assist in the commission and performance of Robert Kyr's oratorio Paradiso, which was premiered last October 7,8,9 as part of The Dante Project at Notre Dame. The Ann Stookey Fund selected the new commissioning board and consortium among its previous awardees, including conductor Donald Nally and The Crossing, Mark Shapiro and Cantori New York, and Robert Geary and Volti. The Ann Stookey Fund hopes to continue with this effort every two years, alternating between secular and sacred music commissions.