David Yearsley, Organ Concert with Martin Davids, baroque violin


Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center-Reyes Organ and Choral Hall (View on map )

David Yearsley and Martin Davis Concert

Violinist Martin Davids and organist David Yearsley have made music over two decades, from Renaissance dances and virtuoso sonatas played on period instruments to electrified versions of Baroque favorites. The friends open the center's organ recital series with the spirited program, In the Cabinet of Wonders with Schop and Scheidemann: Music for Organ and Violin from 17th-century Hamburg.

One of the most celebrated musical pairings of the 17th century, organist Heinrich Scheidemann and the civic violinist Johann Schop played together in the immense St. Catherine's Church, delighting locals, tourists, colleagues, clerics, civic grandees, and townspeople. Devote one hour to visiting the pair's lively, unexpected ideas and sparkling flourishes through the artful play of Davids and Yearsley.

Made possible by the Marjorie O'Malley Sacred Music Series.

For tickets call 631-2800 or here