Chant Singing Masterclass with Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek from ModernMedieval Voices


Location: 136 O'Neill Hall - LaBar Performance Hall (west side)

Dr. Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, creator and artistic director of ModernMedieval Voices and former member of Anonymous 4, will give a virtual masterclass on chant singing to SMND and Music Dept. students at Notre Dame. ModernMedieval Voices, an all female ensemble, will perform a live concert at the Basilica of Sacred Heart on Sunday, Nov. 7; the ensemble has given well received performances at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, The National Museum for Women in the Arts in D.C., The Virginia Arts Festival, VA and the Ecstatic Music Festival in NYC.

The masterclass will be closed to the public, but viewable by Zoom through this link.

This masterclass is co-sponsored by: Department of Music, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, Medieval Institute and DeBartolo Performing Arts Center.