Colloquium Speaker: Peter Jeffery, "From Chaos to Ordo, or, how I learned to stop worrying and follow the rubrics"


Location: 306 O'Neill Hall of Music and Sacred Music (View on map )

Peter Jeffrey

The Ordo is the "cheat sheet"--it's actually a book--that saves priests the trouble of having to navigate the complex rules of the Catholic liturgy and liturgical calendar, by telling them just what to do on any given day. Any musician working in a Catholic church would do well to know how to use it. But even the Ordo requires a bit of effort to navigate. As Ringo Starr used to sing, "It don't come easy!"

Peter Jeffery, who bears the cumbersome title of Michael P. Grace II Professor of Medieval Studies, is the rare individual who could be said to know much about this arcane topic--the problematic fallout from a youth spent playing hooky in the library when he should have been in school like the other kids. Can he take a dry-as-dust topic like this--a topic most people don't even know exists--and turn it into a spell-binding, uproarious, and--most importantly--informative lecture? It's Professor vs. Material. To see who wins, ya gotta be there!