The Jewish Artist in the Western World, a series of events at Notre Dame

Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center


Sunday 2/22, 1pm, Browning Cinema, DPAC:   Georgine Resick in a film about Pierrot Lunaire - Ticket information HERE.

Thursday 2/26, 5:30 pm, Browning Cinema: "Elijah and Mendelssohn's Jewishness," a lecture by Professor Jeffrey Sposato, author of the book " followed by panel with Nathan Gunn and Carmen-Helena Téllez. More information HERE.

Sunday 3/1. 2 pm, Nathan Gunn sings Mendelssohn's Elijah, an epic story from the Old Testament, with the participation of Notre Dame Vocale, Notre Dame Chorale and the South Bend Chamber Singers, conducted by Carmen Helena Tellez.  Part of the Mellon Interdisciplinary Sacred Music Drama Projects at Notre Dame.