Professor Carmen-Helena Téllez Gives a Presentation at Cambridge

Author: Matt Haines

Professor Carmen-Helena Téllez took advantage of the Thanksgiving break to accept an invitation from the University of Cambridge. She gave a presentation and participated in a panel organized by Cambridge International Performance Studies Network at the Center for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and the Humanities (CRASSH)  with the topic "The Gendered Lectern: Performing Authority."  Professor Téllez was asked to present on the issues of gendered authority in the field of conducting. The session also included presentations by theologian and Anglican priest, Sarah Coakley, Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, and Dr. Victoria Bateman, in the faculty of Economics at Cambridge, among others. During the session, Professor Téllez was delighted to greet Notre Dame's alum in Italian Studies Thomas Graff, who is now completing a postgraduate studies at Cambridge, and who was one of the student co-creators in The Dante Project presented by Notre Dame Vocale with support from the Mellon Foundation.